HOLLYWOOD, Calif. -- I had never heard of Lady Antebellum before the Grammy Awards nominations i
n early December.
'Lady Antebellum?' I thought to myself. Lady GaGa's long lost country cousin, perhaps? At first, I pictured some slightly backwards country-singing drag queen whose shtick persisted on anachronistic political un-correctness.
When I learned that, in fact, they were a country trio of

'Lady Antebellum?' I thought to myself. Lady GaGa's long lost country cousin, perhaps? At first, I pictured some slightly backwards country-singing drag queen whose shtick persisted on anachronistic political un-correctness.
When I learned that, in fact, they were a country trio of
two men and one woman, with Dixie Chicks-like harmony, I was even more intrigued.
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